University of Gloucestershire
The University of Gloucestershire has three campuses, two in Cheltenham and one in Gloucester.
We ranked all 29 universities in the south of England against the following best practice criteria to assess how well each institution raises awareness of help available to survivors and encourages them to report. Other marks are given for campaigns and extra measures which show the university’s engagement with preventing and responding to sexual assault. Each received a mark out of 5.
- Anonymous form: The university currently does not have an anonymous form, however students can raise concerns with Helpzone and Dignity Advisers.
- Campaigns: There are currently no active campaigns about sexual assault. However, the university has recently undertaken research on student experiences, including gender based violence. The results of the research will form an action plan for next year. As such, a mark has not been awarded.
- Sexual assault advice page: The university say help and support for survivors of sexual assault is available via the student portal.
- External contacts: Details are available via their student portal and is only viewable to those enrolled at the university.
- Other measures: The university participates in the local ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme within all its bars and runs training for the Students’ Union sports teams committee members to deter inappropriate behaviour.
Mark: 3/5
Header image: Jongleur100 [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons