The University of Surrey reports 31 cases of sexual assault on its campus, more than any other university in the south
29 universities in the south of England are ranked according to the number of assaults officially reported to university authorities.
The University of Surrey reports 31 cases of sexual assault on its property between 2015 and 2017. Middlesex University says it received 28 complaints and University of Kent 26. But these numbers are only part of the story. Our investigation shows that more incidents are likely to be reported if the university has invested in awareness-raising campaigns and encourages anonymous reporting, for example. In contrast, universities without such schemes in place are likely to receive fewer reports of sexual assault, such as the University for the Creative Arts and the Royal Agricultural University.
Therefore, each university is also assessed according to the measures it has in place to prevent and respond to sexual assaults. A score out of five is awarded for initiatives perceived to be most effective in the fight against sexual assault. These include an anonymous reporting form; special campaigns; advice pages; the promotion of external contacts and other measures. For example, while Surrey may report 31 cases of assault, it also scores four out of five and is considered an example of best practice.
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